Google’s quest to answer user’s search queries immediately — or moreover control as much of user’s time online (hello AOL!) for data capture and ad serving — draws the possibility of Google’s search results pages turn into Wikipedia-esque landing pages, providing every detail possible.

Why go anywhere else?

We’re already seeing the fledglings of this with the Knowledge Graph:

Google’s issue with search is irrelevance ((not boredom or lack of visuals – I (right now) use Google for its functionality)). In the life-cycle of a search query sequence, how many search results do you interact with? Normally one, possibly two, sometimes three if you’re a ‘open in new tab’ kind of person, before starting a new trail by rephrasing your query.

70% of Google’s Search Results are Irrelevant

70% of what Google is showing to user’s in the search results is irrelevant. This isn’t about understanding the user’s query, advancing this is 100% beneficial for everyone, it’s about Google making a choice – follow best practice landing page optimisation or maintain integrity with its original goals.

Benefit users versus Google’s bottom line

Google is BIG. They have a lot of mouths to feed. The amount of people with resolve will be diluted by people who follow conventional business models and practises. Inevitably along this chain many will bow to taking the easy option, sacrificing integrity for quick return, releasing pressure off their own backs. It’s human nature and an easy out when you have no buy-in to the ideals that were created by the two founders, back wherever they started their initial conversations of creating the search engine. That moment is important – think about it.

Adjusting the concept, empowering it with greater expertise is evolution, something which needs to happen. But balance is crucial. Roll it out, test it, don’t be afraid to transparently and say we were wrong, here’s why, so we’re changing back, what do you think?

Jimmy Wales – Time to Speak Up, Time to Use Your Face on Banners, TV Shows

When the actual search results start going below the fold and 99% of content loops back to Google’s own properties (example – [arsenal team]), the threat to Wikipedia can be perceived.

Google is even not linking to or crediting where the data is coming from re: Arsenal’s fixtures.

To ensure close to 100% relevance, Google will need to provide comprehensive information. This is Wikipedia.

Call me a Cycnic

Google improving their product benefits everyone, this is more about integrity and transparency. Attribute value fairly, openly and honestly to all have helped form your product. Build credibility with users and websites through collaboration, rather than veiled mystery and abusing their assets in the search results pages.